Thursday, August 19, 2010

A simple 'Good Morning'

Just the other day, I was getting ready to go to work and it was just a morning like any other.

I stepped into the elevator and pressed the lobby.
Midway, the elevator stopped at the 6th floor and a burly guy; an American, dressed in a simple shirt and jeans, with a backpack and an iPod with earphones stuck in one of his ears stepped in.

The unique thing is this, the minute the doors of the elevator opened before he stepped into the elevator, he looked up and gave me a big smile, and greeted me loudly, "Good Morning"

It was definitely to me, as I was the only one in the elevator.

Well, I smiled back, as I felt that it was truly a warm gesture on his part
(I used to do that, but some people just looked away or ignored you. Have you ever come across people who when you smile at them, just look away???)

The elevator reached the lobby quite quickly, and he stood there, I guess he was allowing me to exit the elevator first.

I took my steps, and turned to him, "Have a nice day!" and smiled again

I think he was a little startled, but he smiled back all the same, and replied, "Oh, same to you, lady"

We departed with smiles on our faces.

Really, we were just two strangers who just happened to share the same elevator but these few words exchanged made my day.

Find it funny or exaggerating, I don't find people doing this anymore. Somehow people are too occupied with their lives and some men, oh, when you smile at them, they might think you were coming onto them.

However, I feel that a simple courtesy like this and a smile really made all the difference.
I never did doubt that there are a lot of nice and good people out in the world, in fact, I still believe that there is still good in the world despite all the evil we have seen.

Call me naive, but I still believe that even within the evil hearts, there lies a streak of good.

I still go around smiling at people; not too much at some guys (trust my own instincts) and sometimes I give way or hold the door open for people, and I always tell people to have a nice day.
Am I being too insanely perfect? I don't think so, try doing that and trust me, the world will definitely become a much better place to live in =)

Have a GREAT DAY today =)