Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Me miss me bookssss

Due to the recent shifting from my old place to this new place I am currently staying in, I had to move at least 50% of my stuffs home (Home as in KL; where the permanent address is at)

The largest chunk (and the heaviest) of them all which had to first make the move was my collection of my books which made it to more than 6 boxes; let me think......... I think it was a total of 6-9 small boxes and 3 big boxes.

Gosh, isn't it amazing how many books I have collected over just a two-year stay since I came back to Penang?

I packed all of them with a heavy heart and sent them home in the car; which was packed with other stuffs as well (I suspect my thermometer was in there too!).

I made a mistake, and it was silly of me to just bring back two books, with the thought that I will just get a few more or exchange these books when I fly home on business trips.

Boy, I finished those two books in less than a week and I am without anything to read anymore.

Forlorn and sad, I thought that I should go get some books from the bookstore but then again, wouldn't that result in another round of shifting the next time since this is also another temporary place?

I ended up in the library; yeah, the state library.
(Yes, I still go to the libraries even after I have left school and university, in case you're wondering)

I renewed my membership and paid RM2 for the card; actually I renewed both cards (mine and dear's) as I am carrying both of them.

Well, one card is only entitled to two books and those of you who know me, well, I need these two cards!!

I am back with the books, and I hope it will take me some time to finish reading most of the books in the library although I have also started checking out books on the shelves of the bookstores and gosh, there are so many titles which I would really want, seriously!

I can't wait to go home and get more of my books here, can I just bring back one box; ONE box only....pretty pretty pleassseeeee?

I Missed me bookkksssssssss!!!!