Monday, August 23, 2010

Alone - good or bad?

I don't mean my relationship status; that remains status quo, no change whatsoever =)

I was talking about staying alone.
It was always something I thought of, a lot; I felt it kinda gives me the feeling of great independence.
Maybe I was influenced by all those dramas and movies where career-oriented women or rich women are always owning an apartment/condo to themselves (yeah, somehow it's always apartments, maybe because it made them feel safer?)

So, I was hoping that i could someday be like that myself too and years went by, and the closest I have gotten to was when my other housemates went back to their hometowns for the weekend and I was the only one left in the house.

Much as I would like to envision myself being home alone, it was just not realistic as the rooms were all closed/locked and I only could enjoy the space of the living room, dining hall and the kitchen...and for a limited time of only max. 2 days (sounds like some free trial run when you buy a software)

Some says I am crazy for wanting to stay alone, and my family worries that I stay alone with no one to watch out for me, and the same goes with the boyfriend.

However, I often wondered, it would be really my space, and I could have ALL my things with me at the same time.
For those of you who know me really well; like my best buds, you definitely know that I certainly did not exaggerate with the word "A LOT of stuffs"

I want my books to be lined on shelves after shelves and in a place I could call a library (a dream I've always had since I was five, and I really envy Belle for the library she was presented with by her prince in the castle)
I want my CDs lined on the racks and in chronological or alphabetical order in the cabinets.
I want my movie/drama DVDs categorized and rested properly in the cabinets for easy access (myself only!)
I want to be able to have my clothes and shoes being lined together; not forgetting my bags and accessories as well (Nick once told me I need a walk-in closet; seconded by boyfriend, and brother)

I want my own parking space!

Okayyyyy, I shouldn't be complaining that much since I have been pretty fortunate (Thank the Lord) in my house-renting adventures so far as I get the master room with car park, and even if I don't get the master room, I still get the car park because the girl in the master room does not drive.

However, when I get to be alone, I do wonder as well, is it really that cool?
There are a lot of things that I think about too:
The Cons
1. SECURITY/SAFETY - I don't think I need to say much about this; that is one of the reasons I prefer to stay in condos

2. CONVENIENCE/HELP NEEDED - with housemates, there's always someone who could look out for you when you are sick or need a hand with something. When you are alone, you just need to depend on yourself. If you are very sick and unable to get out of the bed, well, good luck with yourself and wait for the boyfriend to arrive.

3. HOUSEWORK! - this is the top reason; with housemates sharing the same roof, you only need to clean your room and take turns in maintaining the cleanliness of other rooms in the house. When you are alone, the WHOLE house of more than a 1,000 sqf is your responsibility!
That's more than enough for me!

The PROs
1. NO QUEUE - you get your own bathroom to yourself (this one does not have effect on me as I always have my own attached bathroom), and you do not have to wait for the kitchen sink to clean your cup. This is a YEAY for me, and I can ensure that my sink will always be clean and not stuffed with food (like what happened with the last housemate, gross!)

2. OWN SPACE everywhere - have I not said enough; I can have stuffs anywhere I want without worrying about taking up others' space and being inconsiderate. Furthermore, do not have to worry about possibility of theft among housemates; not everyone is trustworthy, remember?

3. FRIDGE and washing machine is MINE - Double YEAYY for this one as I can place my stuffs in the fridge anyway I want; in neat order and not be bothered by the mess other people created and also, I do not have to worry about others' dirty clothes/stuffs in the washing machine before I use.

There are 3 PROS vs 3 CONS as well, so I guess it is a truce, but I feel that it is always a balance which is why God created companions for us.
Therefore, alone may not necessarily be a good thing too; much as we like privacy...