Friday, March 19, 2010


I wanna go for a retreat; I have spotted one organized for the church youths in Malaysia and I really want to go for it.
Thing is, I don't even know whether my schedule will fit or whether there is any business trip at that time.

Things have been crazy and all my trips can be so last minute!!

Recently, there were a lot of things on my mind and also on my chest; where it's a challenge to even catch a breath.
I know life's like that, we have to be ready for the good times, the bad times and also, the busy times.

There are things that are really not favourable in my work, and I am facing tremendous stress from it despite being comforted by everyone (including my boss) that it's okay, and that I don't have to worry a thing about it.
Unfortunately, I just can't get it off my mind, perhaps I just do not like perfection (that's so me)

It bothers me to no end, but I am not entirely de-motivated from the things that I am doing right.
I guess this is just my "low-tide" period, and I have to be brave to face it.

Somehow, I know that this is not something that I should allow to kill me, but to make me a better, smarter and stronger person.
That is how we all learn since toddler stage, right?

I am always a very positive and optimistic person, and I really believe this will all go away, with clear skies in the end.

Well, I wanna go for a retreat and also to relax and to learn to unwind myself and let go of things around me.
Finding solace in God's presence is always comforting for me...I am not running away from matters, but I would like more solitary time...

Sometimes, that's all one would retreat...