Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I am secretive, so what?

A lot of people have secrets; or should I say every single person on earth has their own secret.
Just because some of us prefer to keep more to ourselves does not mean we are violating any rules of mankind.

Yours truly is also a person who likes to keep to herself, and most of the things that revolve around me; my emotions, my thoughts, my views, my happiness and unhappiness, my discomfort, my achievements, my failures, whatever it is, I have the choice to keep it to myself.
Perhaps a different way of looking at it is I just choose not to blow things in or out of proportion or I just don't think it's a big deal.
I like to be personal; and not broadcast my life like some celebrity in Tinseltown.
I think I have the right to do that.

It is unfair to be judged or even called secretive just because I don't publicly announce how many furniture I bought from Ikea or how many books I got from the cheap warehouse sales, or even how many dresses are from the bazaar or Dorothy Perkins.
It is just my life, get it?

Yeah, I just had the urge to get this out here because there are people who unfairly accuse of being secretive of your own life and just get annoyed with you for the same reason.
I mean, hello, this is my life, and my decisions, what has that got to do with some of you?

I think some of us need to learn the definition of secrets and personal life and not mix it up with broadcasting or celebrity's publicity.
Even the celebrities do not deserve to be stripped off their right to maintain anonymity about their lives.

If I want to buy a car, so be it
If I want to buy a house, that's my money
If I want to buy loads of books and build my own library in my own house, it's up to ME
If I want to fly to Polaris and stay there for the rest of my life and not tell anyone beforehand (except my own family), that is my CHOICE

I just don't want to hear that I am not telling anyone of whatever decision I am making.
I choose who I want to tell, and whoever's not in the list, too bad, just get off my back and live your own life!