Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I used to...

I used to love working so much
I used to look forward to going to work every morning and coming home
I used to enjoy learning new things each day and going through a challenging task
I used to look forward to waking up early each day (even on weekends)
I used to enjoy being so early in the office that I am almost always the first person there (and my car is always in the first spot)
I used to feel tired after work each day and yet feel satisfied over the whole day's work

I used to...

I don't even feel motivated anymore
I am frustrated with some of the things I am doing
I feel annoyed by uncooperative and cunning people around
I can't wait for the day to end
I looked forward to weekends and wonder why it is so short
I feel exhausted every day and just feel so messed up
I can't wait to get away and run off for vacation

Can you tell me what is wrong with this picture?

I just want to blab some of my thoughts, that's all...now I need to get back to work...

I think I am overworked...I need a vacation...to stay SANE!