Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Uncle's Operation!

I received a text message from Uncle last night (he sent it about 11pm and me, the sleeping baby has gone to dreamland).
So, I only saw his message early this morning when I woke up at about 5am to get to work (I always wake up at this hour).
It was from Uncle, informing us that his operation has been scheduled early next week; to be exact; Monday (9th of July).
He will be admitted to the hospital on Sunday...

It is great news to hear that his operation can make it to an earlier schedule; initially the date they gave him was 3rd of August; early next month.
Uncle wanted an earlier date to get this done and over with and therefore, he went back to negotiate and discuss with his doctor.
Yipppee.....happpy that Uncle can recover very very very soon!
God bless you, Uncle!~