Wednesday, April 01, 2009


I have been having weird dreams lately; really weird....

First there is this piano, where I was sitting there playing note by note and all of a sudden, to my rightmost, those keys are not the normal piano keys
It appeared to have broken down and were connected using greyish white chopsticks
I didn't let that bother me and I just kept playing on those keys to get the tune I wanted, although, my eyes kept focusing on those broken keys
I can't get over how it looks despite it still giving me the tune I want

I think there is something which I like and it is just something that makes me happy.
However, I am bothered by the faults or imperfection which exist in that something although I know it's not going to be a huge effect.
Physically and mentally though, I felt pressured to see through that imperfection.

On a separate occasion, another dream was this particular one where I was looking out of my kitchen window in my condo and I was staring at a cliff whereby there is a huge green mountain behind.
The cliff was like a clearing of some sort which appears to be greyish white (as you see in cement) and it's a striking contrast between that area against the lush greenery behind.
Then all of a sudden, there was a huge LION, yes, I meant a live breathing lion with that huge mane of hair jumping and standing at that ledge, staring at me.
It appeared to stare at me intently, and all of a sudden, it made a huge leap towards me!

I screamed and ran away from the kitchen window and hid behind the walls.
I was so Scared and yet I asked myself, "How is it possible that there is a living animal such as a lion in my residential area? Furthermore, it is a condominium in a quiet environment, with a huge hill behind it"
I tried to peep and once in a while, I see the golden mane appearing here and there
Then I took a bold move, after goodness knows how long I was hiding behind those walls and I opened the main door, with shivering hands.
I walked and found that the whole area near my condo seems like a living jungle.
There were flying birds and I even see monkeys!
I was so afraid and ran back to my house; and I was worrying over whether the lion is still after me....

And that was when I woke up
But seriously, the sight of the lion charging at me was such a vivid image that I could remember it so clearly even during my waking hours.

I am trying to interpret this dream and I am thinking that I may be worried about some change in my life and the threats that may come along with it
That is why I am seeing myself in my own home (within my own comfort) and at the same time, the lion probably symbolizes a big change or a threat which makes me worried or afraid.
I am afraid of the unseen challenges and things that MAY happen
The bold move was that I will still put on my front to be courageous but I may feel insecure with the change
The drastic and unexpected change in the environment around me (the appearance of a living jungle) will force to take up some challenges which came along with the change.
I may not be ready; as I am still afraid and insecure....