Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Happy Birthday to rain

I love it when it rains...

I have always loved the rain and the sounds that go 'pitter-patter' on the roof or the floor when it rains

To me, it gives me a very peaceful and tranquil feeling when it does that...

And I just feel happy and inspired...

I often write poems when it rains, see how it inspires me?

The happiness is just like when I look forward to my birthday...

Hehe, so Happy Birthday to me when it rains...

If you read in my Angelstar blog, I have also mentioned that I think I will love snow as much.
In fact, I've always looked forward to see snow although I am not sure whether I cna bear the cold that comes along with the snow.

I would love snow globes as much....
Wonder whether I can design some of those 'Rain-globes'?

I think it will be my personal favorite =)

Too bad I won't be getting a present each time it rains...LOL ;P
(Now that's too much to ask for, and people will start praying it doesn't not good to be greedy!)