Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dream, dream dream - The Interpreted meaning?

Back to my earlier dream which happened after a tiring trip and a exhaustingly deep slumber, I was greeted with all the funny happenings in my dream (please refer to the previous posts).

Now to decipher the meaning of the whole dream (thanks to Stan for providing your insights as well), I have to break the entire dream into different segments; reason being, it was too long and too many elements involved and I believe this is due to the intertwining events and also the things running on my mind at the moment.

1. The first part of the dream where I walk into the room; and I see 2 guys and we were supposed to be working on an assignment. Initially I was friendly, and then I grow hostile.
One guy was an ex-admirer, the other, I could not remember/recall his face. His face was blurred.
It is a swing in between the past and future of my love/relationship. I walked into the room; means I wanted to be confident and to face what is coming for me.
The ex-admirer represents the past; someone who used to care a lot for me, and perhaps he has a certain weightage and influence in my life and to a certain extent, Stan, you're probably right. He probably still has feelings for me, and that was probably a doubt I had. I am not sure how to deal with it, and yet at the same time, I was confused.
At the back of my mind, I am probably wondering the same thing myself, does he still have feelings for me or is it over?
I am stuck in my subconscious mind, and I am not sure whether to treat him as a friend (the friendly talk) or to totally give him the same treatment (hostility).
At the same time, I believe, it is also due to the holding on to the past that I can't see into the future.
I am not sure and I have doubts about the future (blurred face). I am not sure how to move on in my future relationship.
The first part of the dream is about my relationship.

2. Move on to a part where I seem to meeting a lot of old friends from my old school whom I have missed and we seemed to be gathering for something. Yet at the same time I was worried about my belongings while they were excited about the event.
I am learning to trust people; to have faith in people and yet at the same time, I wonder how do people around me help or give me a hand when I am in need (the worry about belongings)

3. I was told to lock my stuffs in a designated locker area and I walked alone. I was greeted by lockers and a place which is so familiar (it is just Gurney drive scene). There were 2 Indian guys who ignored me while giving me the keys and my lockers were so small. It was old wood and even after I have locked my stuffs in, there's still doubt over whether I should keep it locked or carry my purse/cell phone with me. When I look up, numbers on lockers changed.
I am an abiding person, and I do not want to trouble people (told and walk alone).
I am indecisive, how to make up my mind. Again, Stan is right, I value my belongings very very much and the strong image of my purse and my beloved phone was also a worry over what will happen to them. I can't seem to find the courage to trust that the locker can keep my things -> I can't find the space in which I should let trust in people.
The 2 Indian men who ignored and talking about others are strangers who will always be ignorant of my presence; since I do not trust anyway. When I decide to make a decision, the time has passed (numbers on lockers changed)
Also at the same time, it is a subconscious warning from my mind to be careful with my belongings (prominent image of purse and cell phone; right now, one of them is in trouble anyway:(

4. Significance of the numbers
2-7-9 and 7-2-9 on lockers
It could be a time indication; or it could be the amount of time I should wait for things to be fixed or for things to move on.
This, I am not too sure

5. The talk about the dead not being dead, and the commotion across the street of a man lying down and people gathering around. I was not really listening and yet could relate to the previous talk of the 2 Indian men about the dead could be roaming around preying on humans.
Sometimes things may not be what they seems (dead not dead), and no matter what I do, there will always be people who will talk about it, be it right or wrong. (People gathering, commotion and Indian men conversing)
Most importantly, I should know what I am doing, I may not intend something, but sometimes things just happen (listening and relation to the conversation)
My inner self is also saying that I am still bothered by the past betrayal and that I worry too much about hurting others and people harming me. People who put on a front and yet stab me in the back (dead roaming and prey on humans)

6. Goosebumps raising and saw the dead man covered with white cloth. Cell phone rang and thinking of going home. Yet friend told me to stay where I was and as I looked at the clock showing 6 o' clock which was already late and the game wouldn't last long, I still somehow managed to say yes, I will stay.
I tried to put on a brave front and ignore things; despite my fear. I do not like to offend people or be a spoilsport and yet at times, it is at the expense of my own fear and misery (not saying no).
I will do anything as long as I am being nice and not offensive as I do not want people to be hurt; no matter how late or how aware I was that I am going to be hurt (the clear image of past 6 o' clock, is past evening)

7. Friend told me that the opposing team is on the hunt and we would be shot with water pistols and we have to lie down to play dead once we are shot.
I was concerned with the opposing team we are playing against, and I know the team of my ex-admirer, team 4 and when friend mentioned Team 4, and my attention was diverted by the missing man on the street
I heard someone say "He's not dead, just now they were very sure he's dead?"
I stood there, thinking of the game, to go home, to take my belongings, my friends, team 4...woke up from dream
I am anxious to meet people from the past; or to be precise enemies from the past still haunting me. I am afraid to be held against them and I'd rather play a deaf ear or pretend not knowing them than to be reminded of some sad incidents (hunting, shot, lie down to play dead).
I was also very concerned with close relationships and friends of the past, people who have both loved and cared about me and I know not what to do and yet, I know what I am supposed to do when we encounter (I know the ex-admirer in which team and the exact team came out). What I fear will not go away, it will come to reality (dead man missing and the precise guess of team 4 with the expected team 4 of my ex-admirer). I will still need to face my ex-admirer no matter how I avoid, and it is my choice to face him. At the same time, this may not be my biggest fear/worry as there will be other things happening at the same time which could create a bigger fear (diversion of attention to the dead man who is not dead).
I am worried about so many things; and everything seems to on my mind simultaneously that the sequence seem jumbled up

But I am still concerned about belongings (myself), game (my responsibilites), how I want to go home (family), how to tell my friends I want to go home (people around me), Team 4 (my past and present in relationship), 6 o' clock (how much time I have) and the dead man (what else could possibly happen?)

I am a worry-wart, and seriously, it was to as much as I can interpret, and though this was in my subconscious mind, I must say, in my conscious state, it is pretty accurate as well...

Gosh, I need to really give my mind a good rest...
But how could I when I still can't stop worrying, even at this point when things happen?