Monday, January 29, 2007

Meant to be?

Sometimes it is just so frustrating that giving up may be the next best option....
But then again, on the verge of giving up, you feel like you are a can I do that???!!!
Give up is not in my's the vocabulary for the weak and pessimists...and Christy is just NOT that...
But somehow being a fighter and also a kiasu+ perfectionist may not be such a good thing as it can be a weakness despite its trait that it motivates one to work hard and be successful in what they do.
I want to do this; I know I do and most importantly, I know I can...coz nothing's impossible.
But also, is this what I really want to do?
And let's face it, we face human doubts from time to time and those negative thoughts (much as I try to filter them) still creep in and cloud my thoughts...
Do you really think you can do it?
What's the point of doing this?
Why don't you go ahead and do something which you enjoy?
I don't want to give up....never ever....and furthermore, I must give it a try first; who knows I will be able to make it work.
All I need is time....Thomas Edison took 1,000 failures before he invented the first light bulb, the Wright brothers was ridiculed and failed uncountable times before they came up with the first flying plane, Tunku Abdul Rahman failed his law exams more than 10 times before he finally became a, success may be near when it seemed so Christy must not and will not give up!!

Try try try
Never say die
Just time is all I need
to make myself succeed!!

All I need is time.....and more faith in myself!
After all, Rome was not built in a day....