Saturday, April 19, 2008

Weird Dream

I was really tired last week; to the exhausted point....and I was feeling rather unwell this whole week; particularly towards the end of the week.
I was kinda relieved to get off work early on Friday and slept really early.

Alright, last night (Saturday night), I settled down early and slept all the way through until early 4.30am this morning.
Then, I woke up again at about 5.53am; and that was when I had a really weird dream.

Take note that I do know a bit about interpreting dreams (as in my other posts); but initially even I was baffled about this dream.
However, I finally figured it out reveal at the end of this post

I fell asleep this time; and I was lying on my bed; looking straight at my door (I was in my room); same scene as I was in.
However, the difference is; I felt paralysed on the bed; I couldn't move nor couldn't speak/squeak a word.
I tried to shout...but nothing came out.
I wanted to make my way to the door; and I couldn't.
I seemed to be held on the bed...immobilised.

Then I felt the bed shook; seriously....I was closing my eyes and singing my church hymn; praying to God.
Then I kept looking at the door; and wanted to get out but couldn't.
Then i woke up...yes, back to reality.

I forced my eyes open and I saw my room door again; this time there's a glimpse of light outside. That's in reality.

Somehow, I sunk back into sleep again and again, I see the same scene again my dark room...and I was on bed; immobilised again and trying so hard to shout and move towards the door.
But I couldn' was a great struggle....then I found that I somehow feebly managed to walk to the door; and I grabbed the door knob with my remaining strength...cannot turn the knob

Then I woke up again; and then again slip back into the dream again; and this time, I managed to turn the door knob but it was so DARK outside!
Impossible...coz the hall outside my room is lit with lights at night; fluorescent light.

Suddenly, I forced myself to wake up; I forced open my eyes and I woke up.
I found that I am once again back in my room...again....same scene, practically there's no difference between in reality and in dream.
But this time, I forced myself to get up from my bed and opened the door...

This time, I was definitely in reality; as I saw light!
Thank God!!

It was really a rather terrifying dream for myself; however, I was not that scared though.
Maybe because I felt rather consoled in God's presence.
Perhaps I have always believed in God...and I know HE will never forsake me:)

Anyway, there are perhaps different explanations for this dream...
From religious or spiritual side, I start to feel guilty probably for missing church masses and probably, it's showing me that I should not do so.

From psychological point of view, this is a line between conscious and subconsious.
I believe that I want to settle down; and there is a future lying in front of me that I want to believe.
Past the denial stage, I believe that things are opening up for me to see. I am still wondering at the degree of the reliability of my own decision to take this new path.
Part of me believes that good things lie ahead; but another part of me still believes that there's doubt in front.
That's why I keep waking up and slipping back into sleep; cannot differentiate between real and dream....

That right now I don't know whether what I wish for or aspire may not be right or will it turn out to be reality...

Whatever it is, I pray to God to show me the right way and to take things slow...
I do need more rest...and relax more...
And of course, HOLY sprinkle over room....AMEN:)