Wednesday, September 09, 2009

When the going gets tough...

Times are tough these days, and sometimes, I just feel so disgusted with some of the pretentious facades around me
I could not take it at all; much as people telling me that I need to put on a fake front as well and pretend nothing happened.

How could I do that?
If I were to pretend nothing happened at all, doesn't that make me the same as those people?

I know it's required to be diplomatic sometimes, but deep down inside, I just feel it's all plain weird.
I chose not to fight, but it doesn't mean that I have surrendered
I choose the path of peace, that we can resolve things maturely

I have been through the good and tough times, and I've realized lots of things during the turbulent period
In a way, I do not complain that it happened sometimes, because I did learn something out of it and it taught me to grow up

Good things are always great of course, when they come your way but it's sometimes those undesirable things which turn out to have an unexpected outcome, don't you agree?

I have learnt and mature through this process; identifying the vital survival skills to keep myself alive in this dog eat dog world.
I will not let myself be in despair, nor will I brood over things that have happened and have made me fall down

Instead, I am going to hold my head up high, smile at the world, and tell them, this is not going to kill me, it's gonna make me stronger:)

As the saying goes, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going

I am definitely one to go tough and show the world that I am not gonna give up!