Monday, December 11, 2006

Prep for Annual Dinner

The gripe for ladies when it comes to any major functions is the preparation prior to the event.
Guess we hate to admit that we do both hate and love to make up and beautify ourselves to look good for the event.
It is always nice to feel all pretty and good for an event, but oh, the process and the time taken to get through all those preparation.....I must admit I am not fond of getting myself made up and setting up my hair here and there for an event despite that I want to look presentable.
Perhaps I am more comfortable without anything that needs to be removed from my face without looking like a walking artificial facade most of the time...haha...just a random rambling on my part.
So, I joined this group of ladies as we headed to the hairdresser's after lunch in town. This saloon was actually owned by her foster brother. We were supposed to finish by 4pm so that we can make it in time but boy, this took longer than what we expected...sighhh....
They helped to wash our hair, blow it and set it by styling our hair according to the shape of our faces and also, making up our faces for the event.
With the 6 of us, it certainly was no easy feat for the 3-4 hairstylists.
This is me, before washing my hair and before any transformation takes place...crossing my fingers and praying hard that it doesn't turn out bad for me:P
Can't blame me though; I am usually quite skeptical with all these hair-dos and make-ups...furthermore, you'd be too if you have a sensitive skin and record like me:p
At the same time, I worry that they may not turn out good...haha....yaya...I am a worry wart:p
Now, the ordeal begins....actually I have already had my hair washed and blown and now this amateur guy is practising his make-up skills on me.
Hehe...he's actually new and a practising student and he's pretty nervous and still needed guidance. Surprisingly, I was not too worried as he seemed very nice and considerate in the process....besides, we need to give them a chance sometimes.
Haha, my friend had to go and tell him to do his job well as I will be the host for the event and he told me that he had the pressure on his shoulders then:p
The others, having their hair set and styled.
Some of them are ready already...haha, look at them showing off and posing in model-like statures...:)
Now our turns; setting our hair....
Voila...this is me?