Monday, December 11, 2006

Bye bye Butchie!!

Butchie's leaving...posted on the food portion in my food blog: Mum Mum Bites
Went to Soho in town; the selected place by the organizer which was sort of a pub cum bar.These were some random pics from that night; some of these are already posted on the food blog:p
That's me, posing with my food - they said this pic is an evidence that I ate with them and should be safekept since I seldom join them...haha:)
The gang who were there for the farewell- mostly the Thermal and Mechanical engineers- the brainy and smart people :) Butchie used to be a Mechanical engineer before he transferred to another department.
From left: JLo, Butchie, Christina(Richard's wife) and Richard aka Scooby
Scooby, Kang Eu and YH
Keh Shin, Shaw Fong and Logen (the organizer of the night:)
Scooby and his wife; Christina...
Keh Shin, Rico, Butchie and Shaw Fong
More of the gang tucking in for dinner and posing for pics:)
What are they discussing about? It's after work, gentlemen...leave those lab issues at work:p
It's Friday:)
I am the only one not from the Thermal Mechanical team...hehe, guest of honour...
Me with the man of honour himself...and also the one who's leaving:(
YH with me; teasing me about eating:p
The red shirt smart man...Shaw Fong
The tall organizer...Logen
Scooby with 2 Christinas? Haha....
Look at what Butchie's doing? Thought no one caught you huh?:p
Bye bye Butchie, have a great trip back to your homeland:)