Monday, November 23, 2009

New Haircut

Filled with regret!!
I regret going for a haircut after landing in Penang yesterday!

I should've waited; even though I needed a trim badly.
I just didn't expect the horrors of yesterday (old school) to come back and haunt me...because, I TRUSTED my hairdresser.

He made a mistake, I guess, most of the time, he's pretty accurate.
Somehow, yesterday, my hair ended up shorter than what I wanted.

I can't help sulking over it, I was upset but I didn't make him feel bad.
He blew it nicely for me to walk out of the salon; but I still wished it was longer.

Oh dear, this has relived my phobia of hairdressers and haircuts =(
I can't believe myself....

I was really down in the dumps last night; but then again, I kept telling myself, c'mon, is it really that bad?
Then I started thinking ways to cheer up myself and the positive ways to look at my haircut and myself in the mirror, listing all the good and lovely things about the haircut.

Seriously, it was tough, but after a while, I realized, "Hey, this haircut is kinda cute"
"It is different from my other hairstyles"
and the list goes on....

Well, I don't feel so bad now; although the dread do creep in occasionally =(

Anyway, there is nothing I can do at the moment, right? What's done is done, and what I need to live with is my choice, I can choose to be happy about it or brood over it until my hair grows longer which means I need to drown in misery for at least a month or two.'s too short for sadness and besides, being sad makes one grow older by years...

So, I am smiling, and yeah, it's starting to make me feel better.... =D

Do remind me to specify/emphasize that I just want a trim on my next trip to the hairdresser, though...=P