Monday, March 16, 2009

My soulmates

Someone once laughed at me when I referred to my books as my soul mates.
Perhaps it doesn't sound right; or were we looking at soul mates in the perspective of a living being in the form of a human?

I know, soul mate are typically referred to lifetime partners; people who will there by your side for the rest of your life.
But, to really be a soul mate, don't you there is a connection to the soul?

And to me, being a reader or a bookworm since young, I have always loved to be around books.
I could finish reading a book really fast; and I love interpret what is being delivered through the entire story.
As such, you can definitely guess that I love to write as well.
Nothing spectacular; just whatever that comes into my inspiration.

I own a collection of books; and am still expanding my collection.
I am particular with the handling of my books; fearing for the dog-eared pages, the folded line of the book center which could lead to the loss of the adhesion grip of all the sheets.
As such, I can be such a fussy person when it comes to dealing with my books.

As to books being my soul mates, this still hold regardless of whether my partner minds or not =P
To me, books will never be judgmental; nor will they be discriminative and they can often open a window to the soul and change the way we all think of the perspectives of life.
Therefore, why can't I call them my soul mate?