Thursday, September 02, 2010

Home Sick!

This always happens, every time I go home for the weekend or a break and when I come back or on the way back, I just feel so home sick.

I just missed home so much, I could not bear looking at Mum and Dad when my car pulls away or when I step into the departure hall in the airport.
Those farewell hugs I give my family, just makes my heart feel really really heavy when I turn away.

I try not to look, but I am sure I saw tears in Mummy's eyes as well.

I sound like a pathetic baby, don't I, whining after Mummy and Daddy and I am supposed to be all grown up and independent.
I am working outside and staying alone out there, for goodness sake, all away from my family.
Some may say that it is a choice, we made a choice and we should not be crying over it.
I made this choice, it is true, but that does not mean I am ready to slash the ties and turn cold-blooded with no more sentiments for my own family and home.

I guess it's true, some ties just can never be broken....parents will continue to see their grown up children as still kids while we, grown up kids will always see home as HOME and FAMILY...

Oh, I do get over it, after a day or two...Home is still the best place to be =)