Monday, May 04, 2009


I've just had the most lovely weekend ever, and I must say that I am starting to miss all my friends.
It was such a wonderful hanging out with them; despite the exhausting day we've all had.

Back to reality, when you are still in dreamland, there seems to be people and things which will just hit you on the head that says, "Knock knock!" and you're just thrown back into the harsh and cold pavement where you realized that your feet is bare and it's just so cold.

You're struggling on your toes to get to where the warm shoes are, only to realize that you need to make an extra mile to walk to the shoes.
When you finally found your shoes, you snuggle comfortably into it, glad for the extra material which made your feet warm and protect it against the bitter cold of the floor.

When you were so happy with yourself for making it to the shoes which you consider as an accomplishment, then you saw another guy thrown into the black hole with you and lo behold! He gets the shoes immediately and even socks and everything that he needs to keep him warm.

It seems unfair, doesn't it?

Some people will always have everything that goes their way and some of us just have to work our way up.
Nevertheless, in this trying times, I am comforted by the presence of loved ones and friends who will always stay true.
Whether near or far, I know they are always there with me and I thank you for this tremendous support I have felt this far.

Life is always a bittersweet experience; we can never expect everything to be sweet
Just like a pot of honey, sometimes it can turn bad too, can't it?

Just like that, bittersweet
And that, in turn, will make us appreciate the sweet times more =)