Monday, May 08, 2006

Training Trip in the Lion City Part 2 - Training

Yeah, now to the main purpose of the trip to Singapore; to undergo a vendor training....and yeah, I was the earliest to reach the business office...being the annoyingly punctual freak as usual. Hehehe...the tea lady cum the cleaning lady allowed me entrance into the office and even made me a cup of hot green tea which I was certainly glad to have since it was pretty cold in the office.
Anyway, while waiting for the others to come in, I had the privilege of looking around the training room and also to choose my strategic seat *wink*...after all, that's the privilege of being early and a rewarding experience indeed :D
I even captured some of these sneak peeks of the training room...

Hehehe.....this is my so-called nice and strategic seat during the training. I was alone for a couple of minutes and then someone came in; from Altera...hehe, one of the first classmate I met. Oh ya, did I mention that there were only 2 girls in the whole training class? hehehe...that's the world of engineers:p

Anyway, the training was for 4 days and pretty hectic; with lectures and also intercepting tutorials and practicals from now and then. Sometimes the instructor will even give us some travel tips and the places to go shopping in the particular statement he made which I was pretty amused with was when this particular lady asked about the location and the distance of this particular place and guess what he answered? He used a pretty unique and distinctive comparison...and these were his exact words:

"'s not near but yet not far. It's just like the can see it but you know it's very far away"...

Hahahha....good right? Needless to say, the whole class roared in laughter. I must say this is the first time I heard of such a comparison....comparing distance of a place to that of the moon.

Anyway, the training ended on a pretty nice note; and it rained quite often during those few days I was in Singapore. Pretty cold in the classroom....and we even went for lunch with the manager; their treat of course! *wink* We had Japanese food...too bad I don't have the pics:(

Also, they treated us pretty well, with drinks well-served and also breakfast was also provided:)

Well, besides the knowledge, I've made new friends from this training which was a pretty good return; with everyone coming from different background and job scope; there's even lecturers from Ngee Ann Polytechnic....and the following picture was captured on the last day:

There's Yu Shien from ST, CP the instructor, Raymond from MCT, Soon Yee from Altera, Ragu from MCT, Choon Keat from Ngee Ann and also Tong Bee from Ngee Ann.

~Glad to have met all of you...keep in touch!!~