Saturday, June 20, 2009

Will I miss you...

If I were to take to my heels and leave you
Will I look back and miss you?

If I were to move forward to a new beginning
Will I look back and wonder whether I made the right decision?

If I were to look back one day to the past
Will I remember you and miss you so much that it hurts?

I doubt it
Somehow I don't think I have a heavy heart this time
I just wanted to let you go just like that
I don't even want to look back and have you in my mind
I want to be free of the memories
Because sometimes, you do make me feel you're a mistake
Perhaps we were never meant to be

I was never meant for you...neither were you for me
Too was not the same with the first
I have tried and I have no regrets
I can't say that I will miss you
But it is a feat that I have tried...
And it remain as that forever
with no strings attached