Saturday, January 24, 2009

Home for CNY~~

It's been a few years since I was home for the festive season; I have even lost count of the last time I was actually back at home.

Working away from home was not as easy as it seems; I had no problems adapting to the new environment and the new company of friends and colleagues surrounding me.
It looks fun and cool to be independent; having your own place and all, paying your own bills, going out anywhere you want (without curfews) - it's a total freedom for yourself while you are out on your own.
However, there are times when loneliness and homesickness set in; especially during those festive moments which do not grant you any long break or luxury to go home.

The last time I tried to go back for CNY was about 2 years ago; and it was well-planned and really exciting for me and my family.
Unfortunately, the plan had to be canceled last minute due to the project 'commitments' and also due to, most importantly, 'NO-coverage' for the project.
Seriously, it was the first time I was ever that devastated!
I had to cancel my plans and call my family last minute because of a great person who refused to help me out with the project; well, it was 'supposed' to be my responsibility.

Oh well, I had a bitter experience then and I was really really upset, I even had to work my way through CNY!
Seriously, words could not describe how I felt then...when I had to slug my hours until 6-7pm to finish off my work 2 days before CNY; which was the day I was scheduled to be home with my family.

Needless to say, my family had to endure a tiring and exhaustively LONG journey north at the very last minute as they traveled on Chinese New Year's eve and we all know how northbound traffic can be at this time.
It was really a painful experience and I waited for the whole day for my family to arrive; and guess what, we only had our reunion dinner at 9pm!

What a way to have this memorable CNY in my mind and I guess there it will remain forever.

Well, this year, my dad had his qualms when he heard I was coming home and he already had his back up plan in case I couldn't make it again..well, once bitten, twice shy.

It was really unbelievable that I am home and reunions have had a different meaning since that incident.
I guess in a way, it wasn't all bad, it made us appreciate the notion of family reunion for CNY more and treasure our family moments.

It's really blissful to be with your family and loved ones during this wonderful festive season.
I wish you a safe journey home, a great reunion with your family and loved ones and not forgetting, a very very HAPPY and prosperous Chinese NIU year! :)