Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Have you ever taken time to look at things seriously and considered your choice of decisions carefully?
Sometimes, it is hard to say "Never look back"...
Sometimes, you are not even sure whether you are doing the right thing...
Sometimes, you just want to ignore and let go of everything...
Sometimes, you really want to shout out and tell the whole world what is in your mind/heart...
Sometimes, you just wish you can just stop pretending you are happy when you are not..
Sometimes, it is hard to make choices which you know you don't like but have to...
Sometimes, you find it hard to say something which you want to...
Sometimes, it is so hard to trust people...
Sometimes, it is scary to even look at yourself in the mirror...
Sometimes, you just want to scream...
Sometimes, you really want to stand up and give the whole world a piece of your mind..
Sometimes, it is hard to act like a grown-up when you still want to have fun...
Sometimes, sometimes, sometimes...

Sometimes, just want to run away and not look back....
Sometimes I Run, Sometimes I hide...